The IDA-2

The IDA-2 is a Best Practice multidisciplinary family centered developmental assessment that includes the Provence Profile measure named for its pioneering author Sally Provence M.D., distinguished Professor of Pediatrics at the Yale Child Study Center and the Yale School of Medicine, and a Founding Member of Zero To Three. The assessment findings are considered in the context of the child’s family and health and organized into a comprehensive Service Plan.
The IDA-2:
Meets all federal requirements of IDEA
Aligns with the OSEP early childhood Outcomes and Head Start Child Outcomes
As featured in New Visions for the Developmental Assessments of Infants and Young Children*.
(*Meisels and Fenichel, 1997)
The IDA Institute provides essential IDA-2 Training for professionals through an Interactive Online Course and Site-based Seminars and Webinars.See our Frequently Asked Questions to learn more. |