IDA-2 News

IDA Presentation at Zero To Three Annual Conference in Denver

IDA Presentation at Zero To Three Annual Conference in Denver
“Best Practice Developmental Assessment of Infants and Toddlers; the Test of Time” focused on the increasing numbers of young children identified as being at risk for developmental and behavioral vulnerabilities through routine developmental surveillance and screening and what we have learned over the decades about best practice...

"Understanding Foundations for Comprehensive, Intervention-oriented Infant and Toddler Assessment"

"Understanding Foundations for Comprehensive, Intervention-oriented Infant and Toddler Assessment"
With new information continually emerging about the complexity of the developing child, it is important that professionals working with infants and young children have a common grounding and understanding of the theoretical and clinical focus that guides developmental assessment.

IDA2 at the 2017 Zero To Three San Diego Conference

IDA2 at the 2017 Zero To Three San Diego Conference
The presentation, ‘Integrating infant and toddler mental health into developmental assessment’ focused on the growing attention on increasing numbers of children identified with mental health and behavioral concerns and why integrating psychosocial and child development skills is more essential than ever to strengths- based, family- centered, developmental assessment.

The IDA at National Zero to Three

The IDA at National Zero to Three
Zero to Three, the pioneering organization in the field of child development has now decided to begin promoting the IDA as a best-practice model of early childhood assessment.