IDA-2 Phases and Scoring

Throughout the IDA process, practitioners gather information from multiple sources, integrate that information in a meaningful way, and create a plan of action. Duplication of effort and information is eliminated. This saves time and money, reduces the stress created by more fragmented approaches, and yields more complete information. The IDA process leads to efficient, informed decisions.
IDA-2 has six phases, the procedures for which are explained step-by-step:
1.Referral & Pre-interview Data Gathering - to confirm the referral; to gather and assimilate preliminary information about the family and child; and to make initial contact with the family.
2.Initial Parent Interview - to elicit parental concerns during the assessment; to obtain information about the child’s history, health, and development as they pertain to the referral concerns; to gather information about the family that has relevance to the child’s development.
3.Health Review - to gather and organize health information from the parents, primary care provider, medical records, and sources; to conduct the health review and complete the Health Recording Guide; and to consider the role of health factors on the child’s development.
4.Developmental Observation and Assessment - to create a profile of the child’s development along multiple lines based on obtained information.
5.Integration and Synthesis - to review the information gathered throughout the course of the assessment; to consider the need for consultation; to integrate and summarize findings; to identify program options; and to prepare for and schedule a conference with the parents.
6.Share Findings, Completion, and Report - to bring the assessment to completion, share findings, and develop a plan with parents and facilitate entry into services.
Scoring and Interpretation
IDA meets the assessment criteria required by IDEA, and the IDA process is consistent with the National Task Force on Screening and Assessment of the National Early Childhood Technical Assistance System (NECTAS) guidelines.
Reliability coefficients for the Provence domain scores are generally quite high, ranging from .90 to .96 for ages 1 to 18 months and .78 to .96 for ages 19 to 36 months. Inter-rater reliabilities range from .91 to .95 for seven of the eight domains and .81 for the remaining domain.