IDA-2 User Testimonials
"I have found IDA an indispensable framework for simultaneously teaching infant development and infant assessment to graduate students from across the infant/family serving professions. IDA is an essential in your professional toolkit for assessment, intervention planning and professional preparation."
Gilbert M. Foley, Ed.D.
Consulting Clinical Psychologist, New York Center for Child Development
Co-Director, Professional Preparation Program in Infant Mental Health and Developmental Practice
Adelphi University Institute for Parenting & Co-Editor with Dr. Jane Hochman of “Mental Health in Early Intervention”
"The IDA-2 philosophical and theoretical foundations are a solid base for developmental assessment best practice.”
Lois Davis Ph.D.
Longtime IDA Practitioner and Trainer
What Parents Say About IDA
“My husband and I discussed all that went on in such a short time. We were impressed with how thorough the evaluation was and how helpful the recommendations were.”
“Although Jamie’s problems were not very severe, I felt our concerns were really respected and taken seriously. We learned what we wanted to know from this evaluation.”
“Your consideration of our feelings helped ease a stressful situation.”
“I appreciated hearing about Molly’s strengths; it made me feel more optimistic, even though I know we have a lot of work ahead.”
What Providers Say About IDA
“IDA helped me considerably by putting together an enormous amount of information in an organized way. I find it much easier to focus in on what I am looking for.” (pediatrician/private practice)
“The IDA process has definitely helped me in my work; it gives me the guidelines to really view the child as a ‘whole.’ The strengths are the integrated process and the emphasis on emotional development.” (special educator/ community intervention program)
“I feel much more comfortable with young children and now have confidence in my ability to look at them with less restricted eyes.” (speech and language pathologist)
“IDA helped me identify when a specialty evaluation or direct service is indicated.” (physical therapist/early intervention private practice)
“I am especially pleased with the medical/health component, and the physician contact has been very helpful.” (special educator/early intervention)
“I feel the IDA process actualizes the interdisciplinary model.” (psychologist/behavioral health clinic)
What Learners Say About IDA Training
"The IDA Training Course presented a wealth of knowledge in an easy to digest format. The information, theory and practical application was exceptional."
"The presentation was excellent. I appreciate the knowledge of the instructor as well as the excellent examples."
"Knowledgeable and engaged instructor with good teaching skills. This was an excellent experience and I learned a lot that will be of immediate use in my work with young children and their families."
“I have been in the early intervention field for a very long time and have seen many testing measures over the years. The IDA is the best that I have seen for overall development; it allows for our clinical expertise while providing a more structured way to view a child's development within the family and health contexts."